This update goes out to all WIN Members as well as those considering Membership in our extraordinary club.

 Our Family Reunion in Rivera Maya Mexico went over, well, to be conservative, perfect…!

 This year we put the whole event together with the true concept of a “family” reunion in mind.

We started the event on Friday evening September 25th around 7:00 pm with a heartfelt greeting, welcome, and introduction of what was in store for the weekend…

Following that was WIN’s unparalleled training … that was uniquely tailored to expand the understanding and certainty of every Member attending, as well as those that would later view the video, of their true nature and abilities as powerful spiritual being.

The evening was concluded at a point in the training that opened the door for Saturday’s excursion at the Coba Ruins in Riviera Maya – One of the largest Mayan cities ever discovered, and once upon a time, home to one of the most spiritual minded, scientific and advanced societies on Earth.

Saturday while at Coba, the spirit, ingenuity, and extraordinary accomplishments of the previous inhabitants was seen, understood, and felt by every WIN Member present…

…Once we reached the tallest Pyramid built in this ancient city, and each able Member commenced scaling it to the top, we witnessed what the collective effort and connection of all of the Members coupled with the right training and location can do as we observed transformations and overcoming that was nothing short of miraculous … not the least of which watching one Member who overcame a lifelong fear of heights as he did a jig when he reached the top. 

From there some Members went on to swim in the underground caves of Grand Cenote’ while others headed back to the resort to relax and enjoy the all-inclusive hospitality complete with virtually every variety of food & drink imaginable, on the house, and revel in being truly treated like family by the staff.

Sunday topped off this reunion with an expansion of the training that culminated the past two days into a cohesive experience that left every Member truly knowing themselves and understanding the meaning that the purpose of life is to LIVE!

 Sunday evening, as icing on the cake of the perfect event, an occurrence that only happens once every 6000 years was witnessed … as we watched, on a crystal clear night, the full eclipse of the 4th & largest blood moon lunar event of the year.

The entire eclipse lasted some two hours and left us all in awe to bring to a close our family reunion for the year of 2015.

To conclude this update: for all the Members that were unable to attend, look for the numerous photos, training video, and testimonies over the next several weeks on site.

 And to those that are not yet Members of WIN, but are ready to take it to the next level – Join Us!           

Perry Kiraly